Tell us about your auction
The more detail you can provide us before we chat the more informative and valuable we can be to you.
What kind of items does John Peck Auctions Sell?
We sell a variety of items such as Farm equipment, firearms, ammunition, sporting goods, ATV's, vehicles, tools, antiques, collectibles, household & real estate.
Does John Peck Auctions do consignment auctions?
Yes, we accept gun consignments from all over the country. We also conduct a regularly scheduled sporting good consignment auction.
Do I have enough for an auction?
We conduct both large and small auctions. It's best to contact us to discuss the type and quantity of merchandise you have to sell.
Should I have an Online or Live auction.
It all depends on the type of merchandise and the location. In most cases online auctions now are more beneficial for both the buyer and seller but there is still definitely a place for a good ole fashioned live auction.
One persons junk is another ones treasure. Can you sell anything?
There's a difference between a farm fresh find and complete junk. We regularly sell items that may look like junk and surprise us all. Our mission at John Peck Auctions is to align buyers and sellers of quality wanted items.
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